Chris, Steph, and I traveled up to Minnesota on the 18th. At first the trip didn't seem too long, but once we got into the Dakotas all I wanted to do was get home. But we had a couple of stops first. Finally I was dropped off in Crookston where Dad was reffing a couple games. I finally got to get some pictures of him working the court. But, that is not easy to do, so the pictures aren't the highest quality.
Got home to TRF and I was SO HAPPY! Being home is so pleasant. Took off to Bemidji the next day to meet up with some friends. Stayed a lot longer than I should have, but it was worth it. Seeing them did my soul some good.
The next couple of days were busy, busy with wrapping and baking. Those are quickly becoming my favorite parts of Christmas :) Tried to make a caramel apple struesel cheesecake, but it turned into what we're calling Caramel Apple Goo. Everyone liked it except me. Texture was too gooish. So I have to figure out how to solidify it and then we will be set.
Christmas was white. Really white. We had a blizzard. Nick and Amy and the kids made it up Christmas eve before it got too bad, but the rest of the family wasn't able to make it. So we had Amy's delicious breakfast pizza and smoothie Christmas breakfast, opened stockings, and had the kids open 1 gift each. Mom and Dad also got surprise gifts. Mom got a digital camera and Dad got a model of his first tractor. We played Wii and had dinner, and that was pretty much it. It didn't exactly feel like Christmas because no one opened a gift from me.
We decided to re-do family Christmas on Sunday. So we had a new dinner and opened all the gifts and did the gift exchange then. I'm proud to say that I think the Auntie gifts were a big hit with the kids. Especially Savanna's. We got her the American Girl Molly book collection and the Molly movie. I think she liked it :)
Took off back for Colorado on Tuesday early. HATED leaving. REALLY HATED it. But that is life. If it weren't for Sweeney Todd, I would have nothing to look forward to. So I am back now.
Dad in his Pre-Game/Time Out/Half Time stance.
Counting their time down the floor.
Back hussle!
Dancing with the cleaning supplies. Dad was having a lot of fun entertaining mom while he was vaccuuming with style.
I don't know exactly what he was looking at, but I LOVE this picture of Matthew.